Sleep and Feeding

My LO had jaundice when he was born and resolved at 2 weeks. Since then even when it was all resolved, I had troubles letting go of the every 3hr feeding that I would wake him up in the middle of the night to eat. It took me a long time to let the idea of feeding in demand be our thing. When he was 6 weeks old, I finally let him be the boss. He started sleeping from 10pm-3am which helped with my sleep deprivation too. He now skips one feeding and sleeps a longer stretch thru the night.

Well last night he slept at 10pm and he is still asleep now and it is after 5am. My guilt is kicking in again. I know he will wake up when he is hungry but man it is hard..

He is 2 months old.. I am assuming that's alright to sleep that long of a stretch without feeding in between, right???