Am I over reacting ?

A week ago, I posted on here asking you ladies if your SO celebrate your birthdays. My bf never celebrates it with me. A lot of you ladies told me to communicate with him how it made me feel. He ended up apologizing and saying that he never grew up big on birthdays. I was fine with that🙂

Today is my birthday!! My bf asked me why I wasn’t going to work. I told him “today is my bday lol” so he sends me a bunch of texts saying he forgot and sorry and that he loves me etc etc. I told him it’s fine. We have been together 8 years. I told him how I was a bit sad my parents didn’t tell me happy birthday this morning. So he sends me voice messages saying “are you going to start with your fucking attitude?” At this point I’m confused. He kept saying it sounded like I was mad he forgot my bday. He says that he always confuses June with July. He said that he did not forget it on purpose but that he always has a million things going on his head. I told him “I understand lol” so he sends me more voice messages saying “stop your fucking attitude and saying its ok I need to get to work and your texts are holding me back” he keeps saying that I’m making a big deal and he apologized. I literally kept texting him it was OK. At this point I start crying because he’s making me feel like I’m so annoying. He send me more voice messages saying “dude your getting on my fucking nerves with your attitude. I said I forgot” at this point I’m so pissed. I wasn’t giving him attitude. I explained to him it hurt a little and it hurt more he’s picking up a fight on my bday! I told him that I understand he forgot and that it’s not that big of deal. So again with the voice messages saying I ruined his morning. Like what?

So I told him to go to work. Honestly, his excuse is always he has a million things in his head cause of work. I feel like shit.