Silent treatment . .

As I’m writing this I’m being ignored. My boyfriend has been so moody towards me lately for whatever reason. I’m beginning to think he doesn’t want to be with me anymore and just don’t know how to tell me. Whenever I try to talk to him he’s short or catches an attitude for no reason. We were just in a great place not too long ago but now I sense a shift. His communication skills are horrible, he rather just give me the silent treatment and play his game. Right now he’s locked in the bathroom he’s been in there for about 2 hours on his phone, he hasn’t said not one word to me since he got up, he stormed out the house and slammed the door earlier then came back 15 mins later. I wish he would talk to me and tell me how he really feel even if he doesn’t want to be with me anymore, just tell me.. I’m tired of the immaturity. I’m 27 and he’s 39 and I expect so much better out of him. I’m just lost right now. Plus I’m dealing with my own personal issues like depression and recently having a miscarriage. I don’t have no emotional support but yet I still don’t lash out and take my problems out on anyone else.