Waiting 😩


I’m scheduled to be induced today but I need to wait for a call once a bed is open to go in. They told me I could expect a call from them between 7pm last night to 8am this morning. 20 minutes until 8am and I haven’t heard anything 😩

I kept waking up in the middle of the night to go pee and was surprised I hadn’t received a call yet! Waiting for a phone call between those times is almost worse than waiting for labor to start on it’s own! Lol

Update: it’s because they don’t have any beds available. And there’s still one person in front of me. But I had to call them to get that info from them. I’m just frustrated and need to vent 😩

They called me last night at 7:30pm letting me know I could expect to hear from them between then and 8am but I feel like at that point, they could have had an estimate or told me they’re currently full and may not have a bed available any time soon. Or they could have called me at 8am, like they said they would, and given me an update. Ughhh 😩😩 I feel like if I do go in today it probably won’t be until late. But idk! I’m so frustrated! I already had to wait anxiously over night for a call making me not get the best sleep.