My birth story 🥰

Savana-lee • 2020👶🏼

Sunday 14th June I went to hospital for the 4th time due to reduced fetal movements. This day I was told I would have to stay in to be monitored and will be induced the next day Monday 15th June at 8pm! Come to Monday night the midwife comes and gets me and says we’re ready to go. Another midwife runs in saying there was an emergency induction and I would have to wait till the next day! Come Tuesday 16th June 8pm i recieve a stretch and sweep and I begin my induction. With the gel that last 6 hours I got my next one at 4am cause they were supper busy. That’s when the early labour pains started. I had 4 sets of the gel, the last one being a higher dosage as I needed to dilate 1 more cm for them to break my waters. They were able to break my waters around 11am and I jump in the shower as my contractions were a little more intense. Come to 8pm and I am 6cm dilated and the pain is unbearable at this point I am on the laughing gas and trying to breathe my way through them. I have a slipped disc in my lower back so the pain in my back was crazy! I was begging for epidural at 9:30-10:00. This is where is gets intense. Because the epidural didn’t really make me feel any contractions, it was showing on the CTG that everytime I had a contraction, my sons heart rate dropped to about 80bpm! Everytime! They put a clip on his head and even did a blood test on his head which came back fine but they were still concerned. At 11pm I was fully dilated and they told me to start pushing. Although my son was facing upwards and they wanted him facing downwards we tried anyway. I was pushing for about 20 minutes but everyone I pushed, his heart rate rose! So the doctors said he could be stressed out as he is facing the wrong way so he got stuck! Doctors call for an emergency c section and I’m taken down to theatre within 10 minutes. My son, Kimiora Takau (cook island/Maori name) was born at 12:50am weighing 7lbs6oz and 19inches long. He’s got a bruise on his forehead from the clamps as he was stick but he is so healthy and such a good boy! It’s been 26 hours since he was born and he’s only cried ONCE yall. He loves cuddles and laying on your chest 🥰sorry if this birth story isn’t the best, I just wrote it on the spot. It’s 2.30am and he gave me the fright of his life by screaming in his sleep all of a sudden! The pain in my body just dropped and adrenaline took over I’ve never jumped up so quickly from a sleep 😂😅thanks for reading my novel ❤️

Godmother and godson ❤️