Genital herpes

I just wanted to chat and give tips on Genital Herpes as when I first found out I had it 8 months ago I had no idea what to do and what is was!

So I first went to the GP as I had painful cuts on my vagina (outside lips), the doctor told me it was thrush however I have had thrush before and it hurt to much just to be thrush. So I got a second opinion the same day by the sexual health clinic. They tested me and told me it was herpes type 1. The pain was something else! They gave me tablets to take and cream to numb the pain!

I was just about to start my nurse training and couldn’t think of anything worse that walking around all day in this much pain so I read up and this is what helped me:

1. Taking pain killers

2. Numbing cream 30mins before going for a pee or whenever it starts to be uncomfortable - I got emla 5% cream from my pharmacy

3. Using cotton pads to wash my vagina morning and night with hot water and sea salt

4. WEAR BAGGY CLOTHING I wore my boyfriends boxers


6. Drink loads of water ( I didn’t as I was like “nope way to painful to pee” but now when I get a break out god it helps sooooo much and the wee is less acidic

7. If it’s too painful when peeing bite down on a towel

The first one is BY FAR the worst and most painful however it does get less painful and you get into a habit of knowing what it is and taking tablets to stop the break out as soon as!!

Hope this helps anyone struggling... feel free to ask questions more than happy to help x