Boyfriend not spending time with me and his child


My bf had took the whole week off of work . His birthday was on Wednesday now this lasted Saturday he went out with his friends and came home at 230 kept drinking till like 4-5am now sunday we were at my fams house then Monday came we hung out until 2pm and then he went to do a tattoo on his brother then tells me his friends showed up and our home and told me he was going out with them and I was furiously mad bc I told him to get the day offf so he could spend time with us then tells me oh well I have the whole week off. So Monday night going into Tuesday does come home till 2 am and then doesn’t go to sleep till 11am Tuesday . He’s asleep all day and wakes up the next day . I was upset his time off should be to spend it with us and not drink every other day. Wednesday is his birthday didnt do anything besides go to my grandmas . Then we are going home and get into a big fight bc I didn’t do anything for him . He ends up going out and not coming home till the next morning around 4am !! Then how to be around 10am Thursday morning doesn’t wake up till 5pm and at this point I’m just so done . If he can’t even help me with out child on his off time what’s the point on me being with him. This morning I’ve been up since 6:30am and he woke up at 8 we went grocery shopping (me thinking our day was going to start) then we come home I put our groceries away and guess what when I try to fall asleep to take a nap our daughter wakes up he ends up trying to fall asleep since she’s awake . I’m just so tired that I can’t get sleep or help when hes home . Ask him to change her diaper yesterday and he was busy so I had to change her . Ladies what do you think?? Am I going crazy ?