Friend drama ...


I had this ex boyfriend , but he broke up with me before my birthday I didn't want to break up but he did and so we did , it left me heartbroken, my friend (let's call her Eliza) Eliza introduced us , me and him were friends for awhile then we started going out , then me and Eliza started hanging around with this girl (we will call her dottie) then we all started to drift except Eliza and dottie , I still liked my ex boyfriend but they didn't really know this for awhile , we all started talking again at the very start of lockdown , and I started having dream of my ex , a few days ago Eliza and dottie met up and went shopping , dottie then told me that she was going to mabey going to make out the next day with my ex and she said sorry but like it still really hurt me , I don't know what to do , I don't think she did and I really want to keep them but I as friends .

Help please ???!!!!