

Woke up with a headache... took ibuprofen and it helped... around 2pm today I started having body aches and fever of 101 by baby is 5 weeks old and I breastfed both his brothers till 1 year and never had this before... well it was hard not to be paranoid that I had Covid. I felt like absolute trash.. like when I had influenza A at 30 week pregnant.... told my friend what was going on and she suggested mastitis and that made me think- this morning I felt like my left breast didn’t fully drain while pumping and at another point in the day I caught myself thinking that boob was sore.... I didn’t think it looked red or had any lumps. Doc got me in right away and was prescribed antibiotics. I cannot believe how fast the fever and chills came on.. also can’t believe how scared I was that it was Covid. Got home and looked closer and it was red! I am usually a wait and see person but am thankful my friend pushed me to call.