Brown discharge 3+ weeks pregnant

I just got my BFP yesterday. This evening I went to the restroom and when I wiped I had brown discharge. Is this possibly implantation? I’m still 3 days away from missed period. I read implantation bleeding can happen right before or right after a positive test. Just trying to stay positive here as my husband and I have been trying for over 3 years. We are over the moon excited but I’m nervous. I called my doctors office and the nurse told me to take it easy over the weekend and to come in Monday for blood work. I’ve gone to the bathroom 2 more times since and didn’t really have any discharge. Praying my baby is okay!

Top test from yesterday, bottom from today. Today’s looks a little darker to me so I’m taking that as good news. I’ll take another one tomorrow.


I haven’t had anymore discharge. Maybe just a tiny bit of spotting but it’s also brown. I took another test this morning just to put my mind at ease. Today’s test looks slightly darker than yesterday’s so I’m feeling much better about it.

Thank you for your responses! It’s taken us so much to get this baby so I’m feeling extra paranoid.