Pre-Labor Blues and Personal Hate

Alexis • Wife • Dog Mommy • Soon To Be Mommy of Two

So on Tuesday, we went to the hospital for bleeding which turned out to be my plug. Bloody Show.

I was expecting to go home that night, but my contractions started and I dilated from a 2 to a 4 within an hour.

We get admitted. As the night goes on my contractions get closer and a bit stronger. As the morning comes they spread out... They were going to start me on pitocin but I asked to walk around first and sit on the ball to see if I can get things going myself. Two/Three hours later. Nothing.

I was told the contractions aren’t bringing her down.

I wasn’t progressing so I decided to just go home.

I regret not staying and starting the pitocin. I was exhausted. I didn’t sleep that night, due to back and hip pain just sitting in that bed... Yet.. She could’ve been here by now.

I’m still not progressing. My contractions will come every 3 to 5 minutes to 7 to 10 and stop.

If she’s not here by Monday we pick a day to be induced.

If my contractions could just start up again and at least last until we get admitted again so we can just start the pitocin that would be amazing. I feel like an idiot. I want her here so bad. 🙁

I guess either way we’ll have a baby by Tuesday.