Feeling overwhelmed 😢

I’m 38+3 weeks and being induced on the 24th, next Wednesday. I’ve been feeling good emotionally and physically. My husband and I had a great 2 weeks alone while the kids visited their mom. Now they’re back since last Monday and the first few days were good. Now I’m beyond stressed. Things have been rocky with them, they’re 12 and 13 1/2 and attitudes out the roof. I’ve been reading a LOT of parenting books and implemented a new chore chart because they just weren’t doing them daily. I found my step sons journal while cleaning his room and all he wrote was how much he dislikes me. I try so hard with them and go above and beyond. I just feel defeated. I cant stop crying. I’m so scared to give birth. I don’t feel connected to my baby and I’m terrified of being a real mom. When I talk to my husband he just brushes it off and says everything is fine. Idk how I’m going to juggle 2 teens and a newborn. The kids are homeschooled which I do because we have full custody and I’m just so overwhelmed feeling. I don’t want to talk to anyone, not even my husband hardly. I just want to sleep. It’s not like this everyday, but today is bad. Feeling like a bad mom is the worst feeling ever.