Pregnancy anxiety issues help

Maude • •👼🏼C 💙•H🌈•B🐻

So I lost a baby boy at 9 weeks and it was the hardest thing we have been through. We got pregnant a few months after because we had infertility we tried immediately. Found out we were pregnant the end of April. We go in every 2 weeks so 7,9,11,13 for extra checks that’s just what our doctor does. 7 weeks we saw a yolk sac that’s about it so my 9 week appointment was extra stressful. I normally don’t get any anxiety at this point until I’m in the dr office ready to see the baby. This appointment was especially stressful as our 9 week appointment doesn’t have good history. We went in and saw our baby girl and a strong heartbeat! I thought after this I’d feel more confident, now I’m 11 weeks and have an ultrasound this week and I have such bad anxiety. I thought after I made it past the 9 week mark I’d start feeling better and it’s worse. We found out the gender and have been calling her our name as we were advised it’s good to connect with our rainbow baby but now I’m so scared it’s going to make it harder. There’s a 98% chance she’s born and fine, but I feel like because I’ve lost a baby I can’t carry one correctly. Like my body won’t know what to do. Or simply that I’m not worthy. Did anyone else feel this way with their rainbow? I just love her so much and I just want her heart to beat and for her to grow and be healthy and strong 😭💕 I don’t know what to do to help this feeling. I just feel like I’ll always be worried for her.