Telling our daughter we are expecting


My fiancé and I are both unsure when the right time to tell our 10 year old daughter we are having a baby is. I’m

Currently 5 weeks and have booked an early scan for when we are 8 weeks for piece of mind. Part of me wants to tell her after that scan (if everything is ok and progressing well of course) but my fiancé is leaning more towards waiting for our official dating scan at 12 weeks. This is to protect her, in the event that we miscarry. I think he is right, but I feel like I am hiding such a big thing from her - she’s my little best friend and is also yearning for a sibling to the point she cried the other night. It was so hard telling her “maybe one day” knowing that the day will (hopefully) come much sooner than she thinks! If anyone has been in a similar situation please could you let me know your experiences? Xx