Pregnant and covid +


Besides struggling with nausea at 8 weeks pregnant, battling with hormonal changes and sore breasts, as well as living in the Southern hemisphere where we are going into the middle of winter. It wasn't easy for me to tell straight away that I also had symptoms of Covid 19.. Not till I started with a temperature of 39.1🤢

The past 5 days have certainly not been my easiest, aching body, coughing, fever, feeling very lethargic and no appetite coupled with pregnancy nausea, has really been tough on the body. My post however is for other pregnant mommies out there to not give up, and to follow your doctors advice immediately. From before I knew what my results were my doctor very quickly put me on Tamiflu which in South Africa is an anti viral drug. Please don't try self medicate ladies, rather seek your health care practitioners as soon as you start feeling ill.

You going to have close friends and family giving you advice as long as Santa's list from a 6 year old. Oh my Aunt Gilda... If I took advice from them all I'd be worse off. Don't. Do. It.

Vitamins I was advised to take which was safe for pregnancy was : vitamin C, D and Zinc. However rather check this with your doctor first.

Most importantly, keep calm and try not to think of the worst. This doesn't help you or your little one, and as hard as it is for us women not to stress, you really need to have faith that all will be ok. We have a high recovery rate and many successful stories of pregnant mommies giving birth to their babies while covid + and they were both fine. This too shall pass and we have to remain strong.

It certainly hasn't been an easy start for me, but im staying "positive" (excuse the pun there😜)