

So me and my husband have been married 10 months, together 4 years. We have a one year old boy together and he has two children from a previous relationship. Since I have had my son sex is pretty much non existent, I mean probably once or twice a month. I don’t feel confident at all. I used to be a UK size 6-8 now I am a UK size 10-12. I try and make an effort but when I get such little back I honestly don’t have the motivation anymore. My husband is so shallow, he even admits it himself. He hates bigger women or stretch marks. He expects a perfect woman big boobs perfect bum perfect body makeup done all the time. Please can I point out as much as I love him he has a typical dad body and isn’t mr perfect himself but he is to me. I am in the process of loosing weight, I suffered with depression and anxiety and was scared about going to the gym before but now I do try my hardest to workout and eat healthy. But he doesn’t touch me or talk to me, it’s as if I’m not there. I ask him if he’s still attracted to me and he huffs and says obviously. He is always so moody and doesn’t act like he wants to be around me. I always try and talk to him about it but he never wants to know, he treats me like it’s all in my head when it really isn’t. He never used to be like this it’s only since I’ve put a bit of weight on. We don’t have fun anymore or have time to ourselves. When we first got together he always said how his ex put weight on and she got ‘ugly’ she carried two of his children and I find that dam disrespectful. He always goes on about how I used to be fit or he would show me pictures of me before pregnancy and say look how fit I was then. I feel so down about myself. I literally hate myself and the way I look. When I tell him how he makes me feel he has a go at me and falls out with me and says well you don’t think about the times I say you look nice. Rant over. I needed to rant and get that off my chest. I just needed to say it. I just wish I was what he wanted still.