Need to know if I’m wrong

Today’s Father’s Day..we have a 2 year old and one on the way.

I got my husband two really special gifts. I had his dad and his dad’s gf over this am for a nice breakfast and visit.

Then we went to my parents to have a late lunch (my grandpa was there too).

I kept telling him we could get takeout for dinner if he wanted and he mentioned this am I should text this restaurant owner (I used to work there when I was younger) to see if they’d be busy. I said it was fine and we could just call for takeout later.

We go to my parents, have a great time and get home. I’m full from late lunch and he says he just wants wings from there. Inside I’m a little annoyed because it’ll take me an hour of driving (1/2 hr each way) to pick up wings, but whatever. I call and she says sorry we’re not doing takeout tonight we’re swamped.

He just got so mad. He stood up and said, “Another example of me being right and not being able to do what the fuck I wanted today. If you texted earlier we would have known this”. Grabbed a beer from the fridge and went outside. Now I feel so terrible, even though he wouldn’t have gotten the wings regardless. He made me feel like crap.

At this point I want to bathe our daughter, put her to bed and go to bed myself. I know it’s Father’s Day but did that warrant that reaction over 12 chicken wings?

*Edit : I didn’t at all appear annoyed he wanted just chicken wings ... it’s what I was feeling inside. AND immediately after he went outside I went and asked him to tell me a different thing he wanted and I’d get it and he said he doesn’t want dinner anymore and he’s disappointed. So I’m not sure how I can fix it at this point.