I just really need someone to talk to right now

My boyfriend of 3 years broke things off with me yesterday. He has an older brother who suffers from severe mental health issues. His parents are a bit on the older side so he’s become a primary caretaker for his brother. He made the choice to break things off as he believes I deserve someone who can be around more often. There have been several times where he has had to leave dates, parties, or anything because his brother needs his attention. His brother also refuses to seek medical help and becomes violent when one brings this up to him. I love this guy. He’s a gentlemen. Extremely kind, caring, loving. And I’d hate for our relationship to end due to external factors. I told him we can work things out. But he says he doesn’t see this problem being fixed because his brother will continue to suffer with mental health. And quite frankly I don’t really know how I could help. I just need some advice. I don’t really talk to anyone about this stuff. Because it’s quite sensitive. He’s in love with me as well. We had plans on moving in together in the next few months. And trying for a baby soon. What can I do ??? Thanks for taking the time to read this.