Today is #nationalnodirtydishesday , which is not really feasible in our house 😂 ⠀⠀ But I

Megan • TheCostaLiving
Today is #nationalnodirtydishesday , which is not really feasible in our house 😂 ⠀⠀ But I thought it would be a good opportunity to let the kids play at the sink with dishes, water and soap. ⠀⠀ They played for over an hour (with some reminders to keep the water IN the sink.) ⠀⠀ We often forget how children idolize the tasks they see us doing like: dishes, dusting, vacuuming, cooking and other household chores. They want to do what we do. They were both so happy to have the opportunity to stand at the sink and “help.” ⠀⠀ Not only are these great self-help skills, but it promotes autonomy and self-esteem too! It’s good to let our kids help and show them that they are capable! #sharetheeverymom