Calling out abusers...

So I have my fair share of sexual assault/abuse and even a rape. Close people around me know everything but with certain people that have assaulted me I want nothing but to call them out to warn other people but I’m scared and don’t want everything being brought up again for me.

I think what’s making want to do it is seeing so many brave women calling out their abusers recently. Anyone else feel like this? I don’t even want any closure or to have to go to court about it just want to warn people.

Unfortunately I deleted any messages etc I had with my abusers so I have no solid evidence. At the time I thought ‘out of sight out of mind’.

One story I am happy to share with you guys is when I was about 14/15 I did work experience at a H&M. While I was there I fancied the pants off one of the guys there (I was young and naive). He 100% knew I had the hots for him, I spoke to him when ever I could while I was there. On my last shift I asked him if he would meet up with me once he finished. He was reluctant first off but then agreed but said he shouldn’t. He 110% knew my age btw. Anyway he met up with me after his shift, he told me about his foot fetish straight away and even told me to get one of my feet out for him. I did as being young and naive I wanted to please him as I was head over heels. After the first meeting up we met up again. I had never done anything with a boy at that stage apart from a kiss, I was very young and innocent. He had his own flat and let me come round. When I was there he wanted me to do sexual stuff straight away (btw he was definitely at least in his 20’s) he was going on about wanting a blowjob but I said no as I have no idea what I was doing and didn’t want to embarrass myself. I did give him a hand job for a little while however. Like I said I just wanted to please him and at the time I didn’t see anything wrong with it. Then the foot fetish came in full force. He was getting me to give him a foot job. In the end he made me get on my knees not facing him so he could cum on my feet and record it. I didn’t see him again after this encounter.

I got into my first relationship with someone I went to school with not long after this. The guy from H&M found out about it and messaged me asking if we had had sex. I told him we did, he responded with ‘I wish it was me who took your virginity’. He also sent me the video of him cumming on my feet along with a video of him cumming on someone else’s. Now I’m a lot older (23) I realise how wrong it is. I know a girl who has also recently dated this bloke and I feel bad for never warning her. I just cant believe some blokes think this behaviour is okay...