i was sexually assaulted and never formally addressed it

Trigger warning as I mention sexual assault

About four years ago I was spending the night at a friends house. I had probably spent the night at her house 10 times by then and always found it a little strange that her dad would tell us when we needed to sleep then sit in the room until we fell asleep to “make sure we were asleep at a decent time”. One night I woke up and felt someone touching and grabbing me. I was so out of it I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me so I ignored it and went back to sleep. Fast forward two years and I’m spending the night once again. This time we were never intending on going to sleep. Our plan was just to pretend to sleep until he was satisfied and left. Her 4 year old sister also decided to sleep with us that night. so her dad waited there and everyone fell asleep but me and him (remember I was still pretending to be asleep) he started grabbing me and touching me and kissing me RIGHT NEXT TO HIS 2 SLEEPING DAUGHTERS and then left the room for a while. In this time i called my best friend on the phone (not the same friend who’s house I was at) and told her about it. He came back while I was still on the phone. I pretended to sleep again while my friend was on the phone and he began doing it again. I told him to stop but he told me to shut up and that if is stayed still I would like it. My friend was on the phone so she heard it all. He asked me if I wanted to go into a separate room and I said no. It continued through the night but I was just too scared to do anything. The next day I left and never went to her house again. I never told anyone about other than my friend who was on the phone with me that night. I was always scared to say something because her family was foreign and in her culture women aren’t allowed to drive or work so her father was the only income. I was afraid that if legal action were to be taken her family would be negatively impacted. I never thought about it much after then but last night I realized how much it’s been bothering me an just needed to vent .