Upset with my mil


So my mother-in-law, I’ve absolutely adored her since I met her 14 years ago, the last few years she become very two faced regarding other people bitching behind there back and being nice to their face, I have literally bent over back for this woman done everything for her, she broke her back last year so I had her come and live with my self and my husband so we could take care of her, ive not been to good my self I have a lot of back issues and was admitted to hospital in December last year in excruciating pain and couldn’t move, I was released the same day after lots of medication to take the pain away. The next morning I was up at 6.30 putting her back brace on getting her medication and making sure she was ok while still in a lot of pain my self. So today I find out she has been talking very nasty to other people behind my back, she’s accused me of selling her rings which she knows full well are on my bedside table and have been since January of this year and she knows this, she’s also spoke very badly regarding my husband but then sits in my house and is lovely to our face, these people she’s has talked about us to really thought we were horrible people from what she has said about us. I’ve sent proof to these people that her rings are still in my possession and haven’t moved since they were placed where they are now. Do I confront her and ask her what her problem is or just cut her out completely, it’s currently 2.46am uk time, and I’m still wide awake wondering why she would be so cruel and horrible after everything we have done for her .