i made it...


I graduated high school this week. i'm 19 years old turning 20 in october. this journey has been exhausting nonetheless, i graduated two years late. i graduated late because i dont have the most stable home situation or supportive family, my senior year in 2018 the year i was supposed to graduate my mom fell into a deep depression and i was raising my then 7 year old sister all on my own. i'd have to leave school early to pick her up on time and take her to therapy (she has anxiety & ocd). i would take her to her psychiatrist, still do actually & i'd pick up her meds as well as i'd come home and help her with her homework, feed and bathe her. on top of that i lost my grandpa, & started night school eventually. night school did nothing but prolong my graduation for another year because the teachers and staff simply DID NOT CARE. worst school i have EVER been to. this lead me to just stop going all together which got me kicked out. they actually strongly suggested i drop out and get my GED. all i needed was two more stinkin credits to graduate. i absolutely did not want to do that so i enrolled in a normal highschool again. that was in february, it is now june and i graduated. all it took was for me to be in an environment i was actually learning and benefitting from. my sister was put in after school thank god so i was able to focus mainly on my studies. i'm proud of myself. i shed so many tears, i've felt soo humiliated and embarrassed. everytime people would talk about school or college i'd just get so anxious because i didnt want them to know my situation. but today i am proud to announce that i am officially a highschool graduate and i couldnt be happier. i know my bubba is proud of me🎓❤️

- UPDATE : THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! I feel so overwhelmed by all of this positive feedback and support. I never knew so many people would actually be proud of me thank you to all you beautiful ladies ❤️🥰 & Congrats to the class of 2020!!!!!