The Talk


I am 12, so I know that many most people my age don’t know everything about sex, stds, pregnancies, etc., but I feel (and know) that I know nothing (very very little). I know how you get pregnant and that you wear a condum take birth control etc., and that stds are bad and some are potentially life threatening, but what about sex? I know very little about everything, but especially sex. I’m 12, I’m at the age where I WANT to know, not so that I can go and have it, but so that I can learn about it.

Me and my mom go off on these tangents and have these crazy conversations, so my mom thought that we talk about all of that enough, so she decided that I don’t need the sex talk. But that’s not true, we never talk about sex, ever.

So here I am. A 12 year old who missed their 6th grade sexual health lesson because they were out (I have Tourette’s and it got so bad I had to temporarily leave school) last year, and who didn’t get one this year (because of Corona), and knows not much about it?

A while ago I started trying to learn a little more myself, and my mom not so suddley (but also without saying it so that she doesn’t, quote “embarrass me”, that’s not me throwing shade, it’s just me quoting her.) told me I needed to stop.

She is a psychologist, and I know she would be open to having the discussion, but I know that I will never get the guts to ask her, especially now will all of our family drama. (The drama will never end!)

Everything that I know I mostly learned from school, google, and tv. But how much am I really going to learn just from school? Especially as an 8th grader (starting in fall 2020)? I don’t even know how to have sex, what you do during my sex, etc., because we never had the talk. I even self taught myself most of what I know about periods. I googled how to use a tampon when my dad wasn’t home (divorced parents) and learned in half an hour.

I really want to learn, and I want to know. What do I do? Any words of wisdom? Educational information? Ideas? Anything?