No birth control for me


Hey! My family has a LOT, like a scary lot of health issues, especially my mom. And a lot of problems she has started when she started both control. Because of this, I know that I can and will NEVER take it, I know that birth control is a good idea, but it’s just not worth it, it would completely ruin my life. A few things to note...

-I decided a long time ago that no matter what age, no matter how scared, no matter what, if I ever got pregnant, I would keep the baby.

-I am 12, so this is a long way away before I even starts having sex, so yeah.

Even though I would never get rid of any baby I have, I do not want to get pregnant before I’m ready, and even though it’s a long ways away, it’s never to early to prepare (in my opinion).

So, are there any non birth control (besides condums) ways to prevent pregnancies?

Also, is it true that you are supposed to pee after sex? (Just curious) and if so, why?