days and nights mixed up??


baby girl is 1 month old and it seems as though she might(?) have her days and nights mixed up...

at first at like 3 and a half week she was doing long stretches at night where she only woke up to feed once maybe twice depending on what time we went to bed and then it slowly turned into sleeping nearly all day and then waking every 2 hours at night.

now, she sleeps almost all day(i try to keep her up after 4pm but she’ll sleep thru anything now) and this is the second night in a row that she just fusses and kicks her feet all night and just wants to be on the boob all night and will continue to fuss once she falls off.

Im not sure if she’s just going thru another growth spurt or has her days and nights mixed up. i keep the tv on and a/c units on and i dont tip-toe around her as she sleeps during the day so i just dont know what to do or how to fix it lol. any recommendations would really help!! mama needs her sleep!