back to square 1...

kim • 🎀2008👼🏼2011👼🏼2012👼🏼2012🌈🎀2013🏈2018👼🏼2020🌈🏈2021

i’m sitting here still pregnant around 8 weeks with a non viable pregnancy.. waiting for a call to set up and D&C, and i’m trying to stay busy but as soon as i sit down i get so angry that i have to start at square one.... that’s the part that really gets me thinking i’m getting close to 9 weeks and how much closer all the other pregnancy moments are getting just to slide back down to the start :/ ughhh but since i’ve had 3 other losses i try and look at the postitive side i wouldn’t have the babies i do now if the other pregnancies where viable , so i’m looking forward to meeting my rainbow baby one day and knowing they wouldn’t have been here if this pregnancy went full term....