Thoughts on raw fish in pregnancy ...

Gabby • 90% loaded ..... 2 more weeks 🤪💖

So since I became pregnant I’ve been eating only cooked sushi or like vegetarian rolls and what not. Now my whole life since i was little I ate only raw sushi when I would get it . I feel my body is pretty used to it and any “parasites” that may be present and I’ve never gotten sick from it.. my concern is when I start breastfeeding can I eat raw sushi ? Also, if any of you Preggos ate raw sushi while pregnant!!...

I’m not against it or for it it’s just I live in America and don’t trust the FDA here as opposed to if I lived in Japan or Europe it wouldn’t even be a thought in my mind. (Since Obviously in Japan this is a staple in their cuisine and have very LOW miscarriage rates ....)