Second trimester Morning sickness

Gabby • 90% loaded ..... 2 more weeks 🤪💖

So I had my 13 week scan yesterday, and the baby was moving around healthy and had a beautiful heartbeat. I’m just a little concerned though cause I throw up a lot of food , like 1 or 2 meals a day at least and snacks I can manage to keep down sometimes , like a piece of chocolate, protein drink, or some crackers. I’m worried cause I can’t even keep down my prenatals and was told to stop taking them till “I feel better” which isn’t happening. Now with the baby not getting what I feel is enough food and the vitamins ... will it be okay ? I’m worried ... I was on diclegis but they stopped giving it to me .. it was kinda helping but just with nausea , I would still throw up .

Also is throwing up in second trimester bad ? I read it’s supposed to ease up by now....🤕