I’m confused🤔😂

So my daughter is 7 months. I had her at the hospital I work at so it would be cheaper on my insurance. Not to get into too much detail but my first labor experience was pretty traumatic. Was induced due to cholestasis, took about 3 days to progress to 7cm, then babies head was hitting my sacrum and I had horrific rectal pressure, screamed in pain for hours and was denied pain meds after failed epidural, demanded a c section because something in my gut told me to, got her out, was told my pelvis was very small and baby had a huge hematoma on the back of her head where her soft spot is🙃 lovely right?

Anyway, I was only allowed to eat ice chips, and drink water the entire 3 days. I had maybe 2 popsicles and 1 cup of apple juice which later I was told wasn’t actually allowed lol.

So this girl on my Facebook is currently in the hospital begin induced and she’s eating Chinese, McDonald’s, hospital food, she has slushees. Like WTF?!?!? Lol is my hospital just retarded? Or is she not allowed to do that? Like HELLO! 😂😂😂😂😂

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