Having good sex again!

Hi, so I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years. I was only used for sex with him and at the end he raped me, in a public parking lot in my car which he shoved me in. Anyways it's been a few years since that happened and I've been with other guys since then and I was basically unable to have sex or even be around guys without having panic attacks. I just thought this was how my life was going to be from then on. I was WRONG. I went out with this guy the other day and was so comfortable with him I willing got in his car, and went back to his house. With other guys I was barely able to hug the guy without freaking out but with this guy honestly it was our first date and we laid in bed for like an hour in the middle of the day just talking and cuddling and I was the one to start things bc I felt so comfortable with him and we ended up having sex, with absolutely no pain, no tears, and no panic attacks!!! I never thought it would happen especially not this fast but I am so relieved that I can finally have sex again!!