Have you confronted/called out your abuser?

Diamond • 26 years old • Engaged 💍• Abuse & Rape Survivor 💪🏼• Etc. I am an open book 📖 🗣.

I have called out 1, was laughed at by them, friends, classmates. I never confronted any others, some i can't because they passed away (i have mixed feelings about even telling family about that because i dont want to come off wrong by talking about the dead), and the last one I am genuinely a little scared to confront because of things he has told me while we knew each other and the age gap. Plus I know my stepdad (although he's an ass), my brothers and my fiancé would be ready to kill at any chance (i see my mom would be more of my comforter while they got their hands dirty). I dont feel less strong not confronting my all my abusers. They know they did wrong and my distance and reactions towards them tell them I know they did wrong.

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