

So I had just posted about being frustrated about not getting pregnant and took a test the next morning and had a positive test. I took another one this morning and it is definitely positive. I made it to 8 weeks in March and then miscarried. So I’m super nervous to even get excited this time around. I have been having zero symptoms this time, whereas last time I was extremely bloated and had super sensitive sore breasts. When the symptoms went away, I ended up miscarrying. I’m afraid that because I don’t really have any symptoms right now; that it’s not a real pregnancy. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. I do feel tired but not more than usual. Could it just be that it’s still really early and I ovulated late? I have an appointment on the 13th and I’m praying that this pregnancy lasts until then!! Good vibes are definitely needed ❤️❤️❤️