Am I over analyzing my bf :/

Hi guys! I am in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. We’ve been together for 10 months but we were friends prior. Since we are in a LD relationship I struggle with insecurities. He has a lot of friends that are girls and communicates with them on Snapchat. When I visited recently he was a little too nice with one of our friends that we share together in his state. (I confronted him). He also kinda avoids talking about it on some occasions. I was in a toxic relationship in the past where I got cheated on multiple times so I’m a little sensitive. I trust my new bf but I’m also struggling. He has talked to me about it in the past but when I bring things up he gets kinda upset and doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. I’m scared I’m going to push him away bc of my insecurities..Anyone have any advice on this or feeling the same way? :(