Avoiding pregnancy

So 3 days ago I had protected sex and the condom broke inside, I took the morning after pill after about almost 1 hour as the incident happened. The thing is that my period was supposed to be due yesterday but even though I have all the symptoms that I usually do (sore breasts, bloating, back pain and abdominal pain), I only had light spotting yesterday but no period.

Is it normal for my period to be delayed due to the fact that I took it 3 days before my period should have came? My period was never even 1 day late and I took the morning after pill some months ago and it came earlier with one week but I didn’t take it so close before my period like this time.

How many days should I wait before I should get worried? Or do I even need to be worried?

The pill I took is called Escapelle, it’s pretty strong so yea...I had all the symptoms I should have when the pill is working so I don’t know what to do 🤷🏻‍♀️