Telling my husband if he doesn’t want children he needs to wear a condom

My husband and I are at odds when to try for children (I’m 23 and he’s 24), we both agreed to 2 children just never when we’d have them. I’m currently using the fertility awareness method (tracking basal body temp, tracking my cervical fluids, and taking ovulation test) to know when it’s safe to have unprotected sex and when he needs to pull out. I personally would love to have a child right now but he just says in the future, i want to tell him I’m done being the only one doing anything to avoid pregnancy so if he truly doesn’t want children then he needs to start wearing condoms; is that fair of me to do? I respect his wishes and I’m willing to wait another 1-2 years but I feel like if it’s only him not wanting a child now he should be putting in more of an effort to avoid that.