Wtf just happened?! (Update from feedback post)


I don’t know if anyone remembers, but awhile ago I posted up a moment when my fiancé asked for “feedback” on our sex life because he’s noticed some changes in my orgasms (not being as strong and having few of them every time we have intercourse).

Anyways, I took some of the advise you ladies have given me and I brought up the subject to my fiancé while we were out Door Dashing. I figured since we were alone, in the car, and cruising around at the time, I’d bring up the subject. I was honest and told him I wasn’t being truthful to him when he first asked for the “feedback” and apologized for it. As we talked more about it, we started getting kind of irritated with each other to the point of arguing. I know this looks bad, but don’t assume to quickly and ‘read me out’, so to speak.

When we got home we argued some more about how it’s hard to satisfy me and that he tries, which I do appreciate. He then proceeds to tell me what I do during sex that he hates me doing and I do the same thing to kind of get back at him. He then argues about what he wishes I would do, and this is where it gets interesting.

During the argument, I somehow started following his ‘instructions’ on what he wishes I would do.

I first start sucking and stroking him for a while, and then he pulled me onto the couch and then argues to me about what I wish he would do. He finally ate me out after years of what I thought he was avoiding it and let me tell you I have no idea where he learned this from but damn it made me orgasm 3 times and even squirt! He then fucks me like no tomorrow in various different positions in different spots in the living room and the bedroom. I’m telling you ladies he made me feel younger and so pleasure filled, I’m still in shock that this just happened. The funniest thing about this is that we were using our arguing voices the entire time to instruct each other.

Anyways, the moral of the story is to be honest with your partner. It may be hard sometimes, but communication is key no matter if it’s negative or positive. You ladies have taught me that and well, look where it got me lol. So thank you to the women who replied to my last post.