Beau Andrew Milburn has finally made is arrival

Beau Andrew Milburn has finally made is arrival! He was born on June 30th at 6:15pm after 18+ hours of active labor. Having a baby while wearing a mask is not easy, but we did it, and it was all worth it for this sweet boy. We’ve had a long week in the hospital making sure that baby boy is healthy so that we can have the best transition home. Beau was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, low blood sugar levels, a very low body temperature, and was immediately whisked away by the NICU team to help him breathe. He fought all week to prove to the doctors just how strong he his and he finally passed all of his tests so that we can go home today. We are thankful for all of the mommy, daddy, and baby bonding time that this hospital stay has given us. We have had an amazing team of doctors and nurses all week and have learned so much about being parents, but we are ready to get out of here and show this baby boy off to the world! @ CHI St. Luke's Health