Our Story 💜🎀


Long post!!!!

I went to my doctors appt on 6/22 at 39+3 weeks. He checked me and I was 3cm dilated and baby was very low. He asked me how far along I was when I went into labor with my previous pregnancy and I explained I was also 39+3 weeks and had him at 39+4, he joked that I would go into labor within the next 24 hours, stripped my membranes, and scheduled me to return in 2 days to repeat the sweep and schedule for induction. I went home and went about my regular day, I had some pressure but who doesn’t at the end of pregnancy 🤣. We went to bed that night with no contractions, nothin... well 2:00am rolled around and I woke up to a contraction, yay!! I went back to sleep and about 15 min later another one, at 2:45am I got up and got into a warm bath to see if they would continue or if they were just Bh contractions. 4:15am rolls around and my husband gets up for work and finds me in the bath tub, he asked me if I was okay and I just giggled, he said “I’ll take that as a no” to which I responded “you’ll be holding our baby girl by the end of the day today”. Needless to say he didn’t believe me lol and I sent him off to work but told him to keep his phone in his pocket because I’d be calling him in a couple hours so we could go to the hospital. (We live 45 min away so I didn’t want to go to early). 9:30 rolls around and I called my husband home (he panicked lol) he got home jumped in the shower and off we went to the hospital. When we got there I was at 4cm and contractions were random 3-10min apart but they admitted me. By 4:00pm I was begging for my epidural but couldn’t get it because they still had to move me from triage to the birthing suite and check me for COVID 🙄. By 7:00pm I had been moved and my test came back negative and I got my epidural. I was stuck at 4cm 😒 (same as with my first pregnancy), 7:30pm they checked me again and I was at 6cm they broke my water. Doctor came back in at 9:30pm to check me and I was at 10 and baby was about to come out lol they hurried up and set up telling to not push, finally at 9:50 they said I could push and in 1 contraction and 2 pushes baby Brooklynn was born at 9:54pm on 6/23, 39+4 weeks, 7lbs 8.2oz and 19-1/4in long. She is absolutely perfect in every way. I’m so glad she is finally here in my arms.