Back to work


I’m so sad! I got called back to work I’ve been off for 4 months! I initially went back to work in February for a month and a half and been off since! It’s been so good being able to stay with my baby this long she’ll be 8 months on Saturday but I’m just so sad to leave her! Especially with this coronavirus it makes it even scarier since I’m a Neuro tech in a hospital I’m scared I’ll bring something home to her. She’ll be staying with my mom 3 days, and 2 days at daycare it’s a small daycare with about 5 kids and my SIL works there so it’s not bad but I’m jealous of everyone who gets to spend time with her while I work! I’m also still breastfeeding and only supplement with about 5 oz formula a day but I guess she’ll have formula during the day and breastfeeding after 4pm when I get her. She’s so attached to me right now which is gunna make it so hard I’ve been crying all day and just hugging her extra tight. Ugh any advice from mamas who went back to work?