Babies who spit up A LOT


For those who have babies that spit up a lot or did spit up a lot, what formula did y’all use that you found or find helpful?

My LO is 7 months old and had spit up sooo much from day 1. When she was really young she used to projectile spit up practically across the room. She soaks every bib and burp cloth I own everyday and I’m usually covered most days. I mention it to my pediatrician but since she’s staying in her own growth curve, he isn’t worried. I breastfed up until about a week ago when we finally got her drinking from a sippy and we’re working on transitioning to formula. I’m using Similac Spit Up but so far I’m not noticing any improvement. She’s not fussy so I don’t think it bothers her to spit up so much, I’m probably more annoyed by it than she is. Just wondering if there is a better formula I should be trying 🤷🏼‍♀️