im so tired!

is anyone else absolutely sick and tired of cleaning every single day?? i’m 24 weeks pregnant and have a 14 month old, as well as a dog and spouse. my spouse does nothing. yesterday i cleaned the house, as i do every other day before my daughter wakes up, and it was spotless. by the time 5 pm came around, i was feeling extra tired so i asked my spouse if he could watch our daughter while i took a nap. he agreed because i NEVER nap and, well, i’m pregnant. i accidentally had a two hour nap instead of 30min because i slept through my alarm, but when i woke up... omg. i came out to the living room and my house is a DISASTER. i have NEVER had my house get so dirty, messy, and gross in such little time. he literally let our daughter do whatever she wanted because he was being lazy and didn’t want to deal with it. instead, he propped himself on the couch, turned the ps4 on, and sat there for two hours meanwhile the house was becoming an absolute pigsty. when i got up the first thing he said was “don’t worry about the mess i’m going to clean it when she goes to bed” which was fine with me. now it’s 8:30am the next morning and i’m staring at my living room and kitchen crying. i’m drained. i’m tired. and i wish that was enough for him to just fucking help me clean. i get that he has to work today, which is why i thought he was going to clean it last night. but here i am, having to do about an hour or twos worth of cleaning because he is lazy. it’s bad enough i clean every day already so it’s not anything different. so maybe i’m overreacting. but i’m just done😩

*yes i have expressed how i feel many, MANY times.

*yes it works, for the first two days. then it’s back to pure laziness.