Some advice needed please baby #3


So I want baby number 3 sooner rather than later, but my husband wants to wait 5 or 6 years for baby 3. I dont want that big of a gap between my kids, nor do I want to have any more kids 5 or 6 years down the road.

However, I don't want to disrespect my husband's wishes, so was wondering what a good way to say I dont want to wait would be? I'm not expecting to change his mind, just to be clear. I just want to tell him how I'm feeling about it without feeling like I'm trying to pressure him into another one sooner than he wants. Basically I just want some closure, because I'd rather have one more and be done rather than worrying about why I'm not getting pregnant again 5 years down the road. Am I just too in my head about it? Again, I don't want to pressure him into it, but every way I've tried articulating my feelings about it in my head to me it sounds like I would be trying to pressure him into it, which I dont want. Kind of just want him to understand how I'm feeling? I mean i don't want to try right now, but within the next year or so would be nice to start trying again if we were going to have number 3. Maybe I'm just thinking too much about it