Finally! Our baby girl is here! (Successful Vbac)


39wks and 4days pregnant Around 10am I woke up with normal Braxton Hicks contractions but this time they felt a little stronger than usual. So I went about my morning making breakfast for my other kids when I noticed that the contractions were very close together only three minutes apart. I knew that today was going to be the day because of how close the contractions were coming. So I waited around for my husband to get off of work around 4 PM the contractions were so close together I was only getting about 1min break in between each contraction.

Since The hospital is about 45 minutes away we grab The hospital bags and loaded the kids in the car. We dropped the kids off and headed straight to the hospital. At this point the contractions were so intense I could barely breathe! My husband was doing about 70 mph on the highway and I told him he needed to drive faster! I was in so much pain I literary felt like I was going to die.

We finally made it to the hospital the security asked me if I could walk to the front desk I told him absolutely not. We finally got situated and they checked me to find out I was only at 6 cm. I thought I’d be further along since The contractions were so close together. I had originally planned on having a natural birth but all of that was out of the window I just wanted relief!!

Once I had the epidural everything was smooth sailing from there on out. Around 8 PM I was at at 7 1/2 cm. Since my water had not broken yet they decided to break my waters. I couldn’t feel a thing. After my water broke they waited about an hour to check me. At this point I was 10 cm and ready to push! The doctor said she was so low we didn’t even need to try for a practice push. 3 pushes later our baby girl Mia arrived!

I had 2 previous csections one with twins and I have to say a vaginal birth recovery was SO much easier!! Im so glad I did it!

Here’s baby Mia weighing 6pounds 7oz