Upcoming 12 week scan nerves🤦🏼‍♀️

I guess I’m just looking for reassurance really ladies. Im feeling a bit alone with this.... I’m currently 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I found out when I was 4 weeks. From week 5-9 I had quite a lot of pregnancy symptoms, but they completely eased off from the end of week 9 to the beginning of the week 10. So now I don’t even feel pregnant at all. I had an early scan at 6 1/2 weeks due to some brown discharge, but everything was healthy, and they even found a heartbeat😌🥰 But my 12 week scan is approaching in 2 weeks and I’m so nervous of a missed miscarriage due to my symptoms disappearing, I know this sounds really silly as I haven’t even had any pains or bleeding. But the anxiety is taking over. I contacted my midwife to let her know my concerns but she didn’t seem concerned at all, and just said she will speak to me after my next scan. Kind of feeling alone with my concerns. I’m wondering has anybody else not felt pregnant at this stage, then had a healthy scan at 12 weeks?

I could really do with someone to understand. Thank you