I married my boss 🤭

Let’s start at the beginning...

I worked at this place for a year before he got there, mostly to pay my bills while I was in college. He was 28 and I was 20.

I had just moved in with my bf of almost 3 years at the time, we had been together since high school. I was young and thought I was in love... but I think in the end he was just convenient. My family liked him because we were from the same religion and he was a “good” boy, but he had a lot of issues to work through before he was going to be at the same place mentally that I was. He wouldn’t shower for days, watched anime on his computer until all hours at night and would be late for class in the morning. He would always make me cook for him and hated vegetables... and for the absolute icing on the cake, he would throw a fit if I didn’t do his laundry like his mom did, and I was the only one to ever initiate sex. At that point I was just staying because I was scared to leave.

I told him at the beginning of the summer we needed a break and that I really didn’t feel like I could be in a relationship with him anymore, but he insisted that we talk after the summer was over because he knew I would come back to him.

A couple weeks later and my boss was there for me through everything. He would drive me home every time we worked together since he lived close by, he would check on how I was doing and bring me breakfast because he knew I didn’t eat. We ended up texting all day and night, and eventually at the end of one of those drives home, he kissed me. I hadn’t felt that happy and special in a really, really long time.

When we finally slept together, it was like coming home... it was like bliss and safety all in one.

We used condoms and FAM, but I still ended up getting pregnant a couple months later. We panicked obviously, but eventually decided that if this baby could make it through 2 layers of caution, it must be meant to be.

He bought all the things we would need for our new place- furniture, bedding, dishes- and we moved in together. Fast forward a few months, we’re walking around in Costco while I’m in labour trying to kickstart things. As I’m leaning on the jewelry case through a contraction, he says “choose one of these rings and we’ll come buy it as soon as you have this baby”.

Fast forward another 9 months, and we’re at the courthouse. It’s just us and our best friends and we honestly couldn’t have imagined a more perfect day. We’ve been married for a year now and if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.