Baby aspirin everyday during pregnancy

Nana • Wife - Cat mom - Baby #1 coming soon!

I had my first official appointment today at 13 weeks. I am 29, healthy and there seem to be no problems with my pregnancy so far (my first).

My doctor recommended that I start taking one baby aspirin per day, everyday. She said that it helps preventing preeclampsia and that it is very important to do.

We ended up getting sidetracked and talking about something different and then I was sent to do blood work. I wish I could have asked more about taking the baby aspirin!

I'm not a fan of taking pills but I will if necessary. My sister in law who has had 5 kids with that same doctor never had to take the baby aspirin.

Are any of you taking it? If so, was it recommended to you because you are at a higher risk or as a preventative measure?