Is my 12 day old drinking too much??

Jodie • Rudy💙 Freya💜

He's been eating 4oz every 4hours until 2 days ago he's been eating even more excessively!!

So this evening ...

4pm - 4oz

Then I had to give him another 2oz and it was about 5:30 at this point.

At 7:30/7:45 he then has 4oz again! Cool no problem I thought...

Then at 9 he's acting STARVING! I've done everything else and figure least feed... By 10:15 he's finished another 4oz and I've spent the past hour trying to get him to settled but he's still whining and kicking for food so I get a dummy out... And he's spitting it out and wants food! So now I've made another bottle with 2oz and he's spitting it all out?? And is lying there still fidgeting for food ??? Im so confused!! I know it's not wind , he's been burped 100 times and has given us plenty of big burps! It's like he wants to suckle but no milk but doesn't like the dummy?? I don't see hungrier food being the option? Any advice or idea? Thank you!!😊