10/11 month sleep regression??

RS • Baby girl born August 2019👶🏻 💕 Baby #2 Oct 2021 ✨

Ok mamas I hope some of you are still on here and can hopefully relate or help me out. my now 11 month old was such a great sleeper from like 5-10 months like sleeping at least 10-12 hours a night with no issues, well as soon as she hit 10 months she’s been waking up whining an hour after I put her down for bed and then a few times throughout the night, I’ve tried letting her cry it out but no luck I’ve tried giving her a bottle and soothing her my self but she still ends up not sleeping a full night like before she sleeps maybe on average 8-9 hours interrupted and I’m one tired mama I feel like I have a 3 month old all over again lol but seriously is there really a sleep regression going on or is it possibly her teeth because she is getting her first set of molars and a couple other teeth as well idk all I know is I miss my good nights of sleep and I don’t know if this will pass soon or if I’m stuck with a fussy sleeper for a while