3 months late!!??

Hi guys. I am currently on the pill and have been since last year. I was on a different one and then switched earlier this year, around March. My last period was at the end of April and I have had nothing since apart from light spotting in May instead of my regular period. I had unprotected sex multiple times since the last period. I have taken 2 tests and both had very very faint lines. However these tests are known to be faulty so I have sort of tried to just wait it out and see if my period decides to show up. However those were taken a couple weeks ago and since there has been nothing. I’ve felt the symptoms I would get when my period is coming but then nothing. Has anyone else had this? And if so what was wrong or were you pregnant? I am going to go doctors it has been hard trying to find an appointment whilst working though! Appreciate any thoughts or advice!!